Session 14 – First Aid: Sudden Emergencies

"*" indicates required fields

1. What do you NOT do if you suspect someone is about to faint?*
2. Jeff has had a runny nose for about a week and now has yellowish green discharge. What should you do?*
3. What percentage of the population suffers from allergies?*
4. Which of the following is NOT a sign of a seizure?*
5. In the senior care population, what are seizures usually related to?*
6. Fainting is:*
7. A fainting session usually lasts:*
8. What is an allergy?*
9. Helen tried a new food and she is now scratching her arms and chest. What should you do?*
10. Bob ate some chocolates and suddenly has swelling over his whole body, is having difficulty breathing and seems confused. What should you do?*
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