Elder Care in Dallas, TX:  Easy ways to Help Prevent Memory Loss

There is a large amount of study and research in the area of Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Can we make gains in the prevention with good exercise, better diet and brain activities?

Some of the factors that can put individuals in are in a higher risk category are:

[icon style=”icon-checklist” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Checklist[/icon]

•Susceptible gene (hereditary marker)

•Over eating – obesity

•Heavy alcohol consumption[image_frame size=”full-third-portrait” image_path=”http://approvedinhomecare.com/wp-content/uploads/elderly-care-alzheimers.jpg” description=”Elderly Care Alzheimer’s” link_to_page=”” target=”_self”] There are some accepted activities that can reduce the risk for developing Dementia and Alzheimer’s are:

[icon style=”icon-checklist” url=”” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Checklist[/icon]

•A diet high in Omega 3’s, antioxidants and Vitamin B

•Controlling your weight

•A good cardio exercise program

•Staying active not only physically but socially and mentally as well

Elder Care in Dallas, TX it is worth doing all you can to lower your chances of getting Alzheimer’s. And here is the important part; – the activities that help you avoid Alzheimer’s are good for defending against other illnesses too!

If your elderly loved one has the advantage of working with a caregiver or an elderly home care attendant, make sure to include your caregiver in the plan. It is a very good idea for your loved one to include the following activities. (This will help prevent memory loss and keep the mind active.)

Some of the basic activities that will help to moderate memory loss are:

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•Challenge your brain with “Thinking and Reasoning Games”. Activities such as crossword puzzles. However, if crossword puzzles are not a challenge you should find a brain game or exercise that requires more mental acuity.

•Healthy diet is not only important for your mental health but your physical health as well. Meals need to include omega-3 fats, antioxidants and a good supply of complex carbohydrates. As we mentioned above antioxidants are universally accepted as a very good choice. We also find smaller meals closer together helps to level out your blood glucose. Glucose is the main energy source for your brain.

•Relaxation and stretching exercises can reduce stress. Cortisol can shrink the brain’s memory centers and which causes memory loss. Cortisol can be released due to stress.

•When you exercise you release hormones. These hormones can be considered brain-cell turbo-boosters.

•Stay social with friends; be involved with your family. Engage. Engage in activities and conversation, stay plugged into life! Thinking, talking, walking and reading are all good activities that will help you to exercise your brain.

If you have a family member who could benefit from assistance by a caregiver that is trained to provide elder care services in Dallas, TX contact the staff at Approved Home Care. We help seniors and their families remain independent in the place they call home. Call (972) 658-4001 for more information.

Click Here to visit our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care blog.


It can be difficult to learn that a loved one has Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s is a disease that has no cure; however there are excellent treatments to slow the progression of the disease, in many patients.  There is also is good reason for hope. New drugs are being developed to, hopefully, provide a cure in the future.  It can be a challenge to understand the disease and to learn how to best help your loved one and to guide your family through this change.  Some family members will go into denial and not make the necessary changes.  By accepting the realities, you can more quickly adapt and begin the process of gathering information and seeking the necessary assistance.

Senior Care in Dallas, TX: Adjusting to Alzheimer’s in your Family

You will find the family members that are involved with your loved one on a daily basis will more quickly accept the diagnosis of the disease.  Family members that have less day to day involvement with your loved one will not see the small tell-tell signs.  Some family members will have noticed memory loss and will have questioned whether or not Alzheimer’s is present even before the diagnosis was confirmed.  However other family members will disagree and be in denial.  Each person will have their own process for accepting the diagnosis of the disease.  It will take time to absorb the information and begin the coping process. If there are family member having a difficult time accepting the news, professional counseling might be needed.

Senior Care in Dallas, TX – Where to look for help with Alzheimer’s

You can feel very isolated and not know where to turn for information and assistance.  It is a good idea to seek a support group for guidance and answers to your questions.  There are thousands of people who have been through this struggle and many are willing to help.  Their experience and guidance can be and valuable tool.  Here are some places you can find help”

There are 3 main stages before acceptance

 Denial – This can’t be happening to my loved one, in my family. A false feeling that nothing is really wrong. If you ignore it, the problem will go away by itself. Be protective this will lessen the feel of isolation and denial. 

Compensation – The tendency to over-compensate for any issues or difficulties. Some family members will try to make up for the impairment of your loved one.

Anger and/or Guilt –  Anger when you come to the realization of the disease and how it is affecting your loved one. Guilt that you cannot overcome the impairment of your loved one. 

Accepting the reality of Alzheimer’s disease.

Putting denial behind you and accepting the challenge ahead.

You have accepted the diagnosis and start finding ways to best help and support your loved one.

The key is to accept the realities of the disease, and seeking out the proper resources for help and assistance.  Don’t try to go through this alone, there is support and guidance and can make this journey more manageable.

If you have a family member struggling with Alzheimer’s disease or other senior related issues they could benefit from the help of elder care services in Dallas, TX.   Contact the caring staff at “Approved Home Care”.  We assist seniors and their families with in home care  and assistance. Call (972) 658-4001 for more information.


When is it time for Alzheimer’s Care?

As so many have experienced, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease.  Symptoms vary with some people experiencing signs in their 40’s, however worsen unpredictably and gradually over time.  My mother started having signs of Alzheimer’s in her 60’s, and due to the slow progression, she was able to live alone at home until her 80’s.  Research has found that people with Alzheimer’s live from three to even 20 years, experiencing a gradual loss in different skills over time.

In early, stages of Alzheimer’s, when symptoms are milder, many people function well enough to live by themselves or with regular visits by family and friends, just as my mother lived.  However, eventually, the disease progresses and Alzheimer’s patients will need round-the-clock care in order to maintain their health, cleanliness and safety.

Has the time come for your family member to receive extra care?  This checklist can help:

  • Can your family member prepare meals, buy groceries, and maintain personal hygiene? (Refusing to bathe?)
  • Is the home disorganized and dirty? (Stockpiling newspapers?)
  • Does she forget when take medications, eat, or to turn off the stove? (Cooking incidents?)
  • What is her doctor’s assessment? (Go with Dr. visit to ask questions…)
  • Can he or she still drive safely? (Or, can’t find the car at the mall?)
  •  Is the person able to evacuate home independently in case of a fire or other emergencies? (Strange sleeping habits?)
  • Has your loved one expressed fear or anxiety about continuing to manage on her own or is asking for more help? (Dependent upon neighbors for rescue?)
  • Are you and other family members worrying and becoming increasingly stressed about your loved one?

Each case is unique depending on the stage and family dynamic. Several factors to consider when creating a care plan include cost and feasibility for the person to continue living in her current home. Some families are able to move the relative into an extra bedroom to save money.  Others have an extensive support group nearby that can offer meals on wheels.  However, most families due to busy schedules turn to Approved in Home Care for an experienced caregiver to help relieve the stress and allowed their loved one to stay at home as the symptoms worsen.

Even when family is available, not everyone has the ability to cope emotionally and physically with an Alzheimer’s patient. Many adult children find it challenging to perform daily care like bathing a parent or helping with toileting. Also, many Alzheimer’s clients feel uncomfortable receiving personal care from their family members.

Call Approved Home Care at (972) 658-4001 for help.

Approved Home Care Dallas