Bathing an Aging Adult: Dallas, TX – The Value of Home Care Services
Providing in home care for a senior and the elderly is about more than just, companionship and household chores. Taking care of the elderly is about ensuring that your loved one is happy, healthy and safe. A key for most seniors is to make sure they are maintaining appropriate personal hygiene levels. Bathing and personal hygiene is not only an important element of feeling comfortable, but it is also critical for keeping senior’s healthy. The realities are that many seniors dislike bathing. Coping with mental and physical changes can make it difficult for your aging loved one to maintain their personal hygiene. Whether it is because they are simply cold while bathing (uncomfortable) or if they can’t perform the physical challenges of bathing, the health benefits necessitate the process It is essential that you find a way to ensure your loved one is bathing on a regular basis. If you are personally uncomfortable at the process of bathing your loved one, Approved Home Care can provide a trained caregiver to provide this invaluable assistance.
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Approved Home Care’s staff is trained to bathe senior adults safely, compassionately and with dignity. This will allow you, the family member, to avoid crossing personal boundaries in bathing your loved one. You can feel comfortable and reassured that your loved one is being bathed properly, thoroughly and in a way that is as comfortable as is possible.
If you comfortable with the idea of maintaining your loved one’s personal hygiene, but are unsure of how to properly bathe someone, Approved Home Care’s staff can help you learn the techniques of bathing. Safety is the number one factor to be conscious of when bathing your loved one. First and foremost you must realize that when bathing another adult it can be tricky and dangerous process for both you and your loved one. The physical requirements of properly supporting your loved one’s body, while guiding their movements is essential to avoid injuries or falls. Allowing our staff to instruct you and provide demonstrations of how to get into and out of the tub and/or shower. It is also important to have a working knowledge and understanding of how to choose and use items such as grab bars, shower stools and handheld showers heads with hose extensions. The proper equipment will help to make the process of bathing more enjoyable, reduce risk, more accessible and easier.
If you have a family member who could benefit from assistance by a caregiver that is trained to provide elder care services in Dallas, TX contact the staff at Approved Home Care. We help seniors and their families remain independent in the place they call home. Call (972) 658-4001 for more information.